Table of contents

My most peculiar channel

Among all the YouTube channels I run at the moment, The Tortured Souls was the first to be created. I released my first video there in July 2023. It’s a documentary channel with very unique aesthetics, easily recognized as soon as a couple of minutes of each video is watched.

My odd fascination

Without exactly understanding why, I’ve always felt a huge fascination for getting to know about the lives of certain individuals who at some point have inhabited this world – or still, fortunately, live in it, although, due to the particular nature of most of this people, is something quite rare – and, in one way or another, have always lived their lives haunted by an existential crisis, as if – no matter how hard they try – they can never find their true place in this world, they’re generally never well understood by everyone around them, or they are the ones who can’t even understand themselves as well.

Feeding my own odd fascination

I’ve always searched for info about the lives of this kind of people, whether in TV shows, via text in books or online, or even on YouTube. Speaking of the latter, it’s normally possible to find videos about these people, however, I’ve never been able to find a channel specifically dedicated to this topic. As I couldn’t find one, I decided to come up with the rightest of solutions: create one myself (and by now I think it’s pretty clear why I gave it that name)!

The unexpected issue

There’s only one problem I wasn’t necessarily predicting (one that also tortures my soul to no end): my ambitions for each video are so high – as I deeply investigate the lives of those individuals in terms of their internal struggles –, they cause the videos to become particularly long, demanding months of research, editing, and preparation. If we add the other parallel projects I also run, it gets easy to explain why I’ve only been able to release, so far, two long videos on that channel (one in 2023 and the other in 2024): the first about the frontman of UK band Joy Division Ian Curtis, and the second about the first-ever person to take her own life on live TV, American reporter Christine Chubbuck.

The next installment

If the tradition of one yearly video is to be maintained (and I hope not, I hope to be able to release more), it’s already been decided the next one will be about the problematic singer of Norwegian black metal band Mayhem, Per Yngve Ohlin, aka “Dead”, so, stay tuned!…

You shouldn’t just watch me…

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