Table of contents
- My contribution to the “Portuguese cyber-right”
- Name and purpose of the channel
- A slight shift in approach
- No time for church on Sundays!
- Fico à espera da tua visita!
- You shouldn’t just watch me…
My contribution to the “Portuguese cyber-right”
Of all the YouTube channels I run at the moment, O Tal Tugal is the only one in Portuguese and fully dedicated to my people, the Portuguese people (or foreign people living in Portugal) interested in the Portuguese political scene. The channel belongs to an unofficial network of channels existing on a national level known by some as “the Portuguese cyber-right”.
Name and purpose of the channel
Its name derives from an early ’80s Portuguese TV show called O Tal Canal (which can be translated as “That One Channel” or “That Particular Channel”), a comedy show that parodied a fictitious TV channel. “Tugal” can be a (very informal) abbreviation for “Portugal”, so, in order to sound like and rhyme with O Tal Canal (almost as a tribute), I decided to call this channel “O Tal Tugal” (which can be translated as “That One Country Called Portugal” or “That Particular Country Called Portugal”). In it, I do sociopolitical commentary about the peculiarities of Portuguese politics (believe me, there are many!).
A slight shift in approach
In the beginning, the channel was supposed to be of a serious tone, however, as time went by, and after analyzing how the viewers were starting to perceive my channel, I noticed they enjoyed it more when I didn’t take the channel so seriously, therefore, the channel became more of an “infotainment” channel (or even “entertinfo”, if you know what I mean). If you allow me an analogy, if the other channels were “the MMA of the Portuguese cyber-right”, my channel would be “the professional wrestling”. What I mean is that people come more to my channel for its entertainment, despite the reality of certain situations never being totally left behind.
No time for church on Sundays!
Aditionally, it’s worth noting that, besides political commentary, the channel also releases a fictional short story in the form of a joke every Sunday, always related to national politicians or celebrities involved with politics somehow. In the case of that specific one, yes, that one is always pure entertainment “just for the lols”!
Fico à espera da tua visita!
If you understand Portuguese and are interested in knowing more about Portuguese politics, seen through the lenses of someone who proudly belongs to the populist and nationalist right-wing of the political spectrum, you’re definitely invited to visit O Tal Tugal!
You shouldn’t just watch me…… when you can also READ my exclusive life stories, views, opinions, and insights – always UNCENSORED and UNFILTERED – every Thursday by subscribing to my 100% FREE weekly newsletter! 👇 |